OECD: Policy Responses to Environmental Protection and Climate Change in the Context of COVID-19
The OECD recommends that governments design stimulus packages that are aligned with ambitious climate change mitigation and adaptation policies.
The COVID-19 crisis has further shed light on the dangers of being unprepared for crises and the need to be more conscious of our consumption decisions and patterns. "Access to low-cost financing and flexibility on deadlines for incentive measures such as tax credits can be crucial for the survival of renewable energy investors and should be preserved. Signals from carbon prices, emission standards, environmental taxes and other regulations need to be maintained to provide more certainty and long-term stability for low-carbon activities, investments and innovation." (OECD 2020, Coronavirus, Policy Responses)
The OECD is putting together various datasets, analyses and recommendations on a wide range of topics to address the emerging health, economic and societal impact of the COVID-19. These policy responses aim to provide guidance to countries on what short-term measures should focus on, while providing an outlook to the future. For more information on the work the OECD has done in this context, please check out the following link. There are also two very interesting papers focusing on environment and climate available on the same webpage: