Renewable Capacity Statistics 2019
The International Renewable Energy Agency has released a report titled, ‘Renewable Capacity Statistics 2019,’ on 2 April 2019. The comprehensive report presents renewable power generation capacity statistics in trilingual tables for the last decade (2009 - 2018).
The report states that renewable energy sources continued their strong growth with the addition of 171 GW. The increase was achieved by the added solar and wind energy (84%) capacities.
The report emphasizes the renewable energy contribution that emerging and developing countries made throughout the previous year. Nearly two-thirds of all new power generation capacity added in 2018 was contributed by these countries. In terms of installed renewable capacity, Oceania (17.1 %) outranked Asia (11.4 %), while Africa (8.4%) was ranked third.
The total renewable energy generation capacity reached 2,351 GW globally at the end of 2018. Hydropower accounted for the largest share with an installed capacity of 1,172 GW, wind 564 GW and solar energy 480 GW. Other renewables included 121 GW of bioenergy, 13 GW of geothermal energy and 500 MW of marine energy (tide, wave and ocean energy).
The full report is available under the following link: https://www.irena.org/publications/2019/Mar/Capacity-Statistics-2019