Renewable Transformation Challenge 2019:… and the winner is …
The Renewable Transformation Challenge 2019, which was created by Elsevier and launched in 2017, honors outstanding work that actively supports the transformation to a renewable energy driven world as well as products that have the potential to scale-up access to energy especially in developing countries. Individuals and organizations (non-profit and commercial sectors) can participate in the challenge.
This year’s award recognized the US-based SUNSPOT Team for their innovation in renewable energy: a solar-electric cooking system that is able to compete with traditional biomass stoves. The product is a combination of electric cooking appliances and low-cost photovoltaic modules, which provides a clean, efficient and cost-effective alternative to traditional fuel sources like wood, charcoal or dung.
The cooking system reduces the negative impact of traditional cooking practices on health and environment, while also allowing women and children to spend more time on more productive activities. Rural communities are able to purchase these stoves with the help of a Pay-As-You-Go financing model.
The prize will be officially awarded during the Solar World Congress 2019 in Santiago, Chile, which will take place on November 6, 2019.
To read more about the company, please click here: https://sunspotpv.com/
Source: www.ises.org/news/renewable-transformation-challenge-2019-winner-announced