UNEP brought out a document for Global Guidance for Education on Green Jobs
The Global Guidance document provides an overview of Education on Green Jobs. It contains connections to many resources and includes key actions for educators preparing students to participate in the just transition to a green and more inclusive economy.
It is targeted at the higher education community, educators, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), governments, employers, and youth organizations. The document's purpose is to support strategic planning and collaborative efforts with higher education and each other.
The three key actions the document points out lie in knowledge enhancement, skills and competency development, and job opportunities.
Knowledge enhancement means including environmental sustainability and learning outcomes related to growing an inclusive green workforce and economy across curricula in all majors and degrees to prepare for the growing numbers of green jobs.
Skills and competency development differ depending on the target group. For educators and trainers, it would happen through enhanced professional development. For students, it would be through curricular updates.
Job opportunities entail strengthening ties between potential employers, educators, and students. Job opportunities are categorized into "Green job opportunities," "Green entrepreneurship," and "Green lens for every job" in the document and described in more detail.
The document concludes by inviting to join the community of practice that is dedicated to Greening the Workforce with webinars and international virtual discussion meetings for educators, administrators and youth.
Read the full document here.